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Upcoming Workshops & Events
Sound Bath
Next Sound Bath
Saturday April 6th
Time: 3-4:30pmCost $40 ($35 for monthly members)
Come join Inner Radiant Life, Sonya and Daniel, a husband and wife duo for a blissful afternoon of Sound and Deep Relaxation. Each sound journey is unique based upon the time, place and group that gathers, weaving in relaxation techniques, meditation, breath work & more.
immersion, The sounds have an immediate soothing effect on both body and mind. For many people, the sounds enable them to enter into
theta brain wave states—the state between waking and sleeping associated with deep
relaxation, meditation, healing and intuition.
Candlelit Yin Yoga + Reiki
Tuesdays at 7:15pm April 8th
Join us for a monthly offering of Yin Yoga in the candlelight, where we accompany this already relaxing class with Reiki from 2 practitioners.
Limited spacing available.
Myofascial Classes (Monthly Offering)
Dates: April 9th
Time: Wednesdays 7:15-8:15pm
Cost: Regular Class Pricing/Packages ApplyCome experience the responsive ways your body can adapt through movement and myofascial release.
New Year New You? Nah. But New Year, New Understanding of our body? Heck yeah!
Join Yoga Teacher, NASM Certified and Myofascial Trained Leah Wiethe as you explore the following:
Active Mobility, Passive Mobility, and Restorative/Stretch/Parasympathetic elements. -
SPRING Wellness: Ayurveda, Yoga & Meditation
Wednesday April 16th at 7:15pm
Cost: Regular Class Price(*May 21st)
Āyurveda is a science of balance. One of the primary places we seek balance is between our internal environment and the external environment. This relationship of microcosm and macrocosm means that our self-care, daily routines, diet, and lifestyle should be dynamic and fluid as we orient to the wisdom of the natural world. Join Āyurvedic Practitioner Sonya Verma for this SPRING Wellness class.
This class offers a blend of warming and restorative practices rooted in Ayurveda & Yoga to help navigate the winter season with balance and vitality.
You’ll explore what elements and qualities are in excess this season and what we can do on the mat and off to invite self-care & balance.